Mannsdale Elementary String Program
Mannsdale Elementary String Program 2020/21 PRACTICE ROOM
The Information Flyer:
Dear Students and Parents,
The Strings Program at Mannsdale Elementary offers beginner and intermediate level instructions in violin, viola, and cello to all interested 1st and 2nd-grade students. The classes will start September 15th and meet twice a week for 30 minutes during school time, scheduled on Wednesdays and Fridays. Students will learn to read and play different types of music, from classical to popular tunes, and have an opportunity to perform at different school events.
We encourage MES students to sign up for classes. Learning to play an instrument helps students develop creativity and self-discipline, and belonging to the school orchestra opens up a new world of friendship and fun. Instrumentalists can continue to study and perform in middle and high school. After high school, there are abundant opportunities for playing a stringed instrument: university orchestras offer generous scholarships to string players, and many areas have community orchestras. Some students may even choose to pursue music as a profession.
The tuition for classes is $250 per school year payable to Hristo Hristov. Tuition is due by September 7th, 2021. That does not include instrument rental or purchase. Students must provide their own instruments, and I can send a handbook that includes some helpful information regarding instrument rental or purchase. Please, do not purchase an instrument without checking about the size with me! There is an important meeting with parents on Tuesday, Sept. 7 at 6:30 in Mannsdale cafeteria regarding strings classes.
Please, complete the form and return it with the payment to the school office by September 7th, 2021. For any additional questions feel free to give me a call or text at
601 201 8558 or send me an email at
Mr. Hristov - Strings Program Teacher
String Students Concert May 23, 2021:
The distance learning did not stop our string students. They worked hard in the last three months!